Discover revolutionary skin therapies based on Xanthohumol

A breakthrough in skin care and regeneration methods, thanks to the great work of Polish scientists: highly bio-available Xanthohumol, enclosed in a cyclodextrin molecule.
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We have dreamed for years of using the full power of Xanthohumol in skin therapy. Now it is finally possible!

The remarkable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing benefits of Xanthohumol have been known for a long time. The problem so far laid in its limited resources and delivering it to the skin in an active form. Scientists around the world tried to solve these issues but the breakthrough was made by the Polish chemists who developed a patented method of synthesizing Xanthohumol and storing it along with cyclodextrin.

That’s how a dream came true

Based on the Xanthohumol Complex, we are able to create formulations which have unprecedented protective and repairing effects on the skin:
30 times more effective than Vitamin C
Antioxidant potential higher than that of Vitamin E and Polyphenol 60

Xanthohumol helps
the skin in many ways



Effective skin protection against free radicals and oxidative stress.


Xanthohumol inhibits the IL-12 production in the stimulated macrophages by downregulating NFĸB.


Slowing down the decomposition of extracellular matrix components and inhibiting photoaging.

Antimicrobial activity

Bactericidal features help your skin deal with e.g. acne vulgaris and rosacea.


Equalizing skin tone, lightening discolorations (and preventing the new ones), and reducing skin redness.

Stimulating microcirculation

Efficient toxins removal, more effective nutrition and tissue regeneration thanks to the improved blood supply.
proXN - Antyoksydant
proXN - Działanie przeciwzapalne
proXN -Opoznienie starzenia
proXN - Aktywność antydrobnoustrojowa
proXN - Rozjaśnienie
proXN - Pobudzenie mikrokrążenia

Products with the Xanthohumol Complex:
a cosmetological game changer

Xanthohumol is a real game-changer

in addressing skin issues. At the same time, it's a fantastic team player. We capitalize on this characteristic, enriching our formulas with many valuable ingredients that effectively cooperate with the Xanthohumol Complex.
Proxn - Ksantohumol to prawdziwy game changer
Proxn - sun barrier
A high-performing team that amazes with its effectiveness

Our products based on the Xanthohumol Complex are enriched with ingredients such as lactoferrin, coenzyme Q10, niacinamide, tranexamic acid, gluconolactone, lactobionic acid, silver ions and colloidal gold.
Ksanthohumol enhances the potential of other ingredients

The resulting synergy effect constantly amazes the professionals cooperating with us as well as our clients from all over the world.
proxn - antixidant therapy

Join our
cosmetological revolution!

proXN Sp. z o.o.
Gałczyńskiego 62/1
10-089 Olsztyn

Warsaw office:
Ul. Wspólna 70
00-687 Warszawa

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Offer your clients breakthrough therapies based on Xanthohumol.

We are dynamically developing a network of cooperating facilities in Europe and other parts of the world. Our products are used by professionals from the aesthetic medicine and cosmetology industries.
DermoTech Beauty Sp. z o.o.
Gałczyńskiego 62/1
10-089 Olsztyn

Warsaw office:
Ul. Wspólna 70
00-687 Warszawa

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